26 June 2012

The inaugural blog...so it begins.

It's happened. I'm one of those people. I scoffed at the idea of ever having a blog of my own because really, who on earth cares what I am doing? And yet, here I am (hypocrite!). I'm not a celebrity or married to one, I have no product to hock, I'm not interested in establishing my own brand. But, a bunch of people (two or three) have suggested I blog about my farmhouse so they can see how we're decorating it, or to see cute pictures of my nieces and nephews when they come to visit, and to be imbued by the overall charm and farminess that exists outside the city. In reality, this will be a vanity blog for my photography (Instagram pics). I suspect there will only ever be about five people (mom & dad) who will follow me, and that's ok.
